日本財団 図書館


(Planning for Environmental Improvement around Airport)
Article 9-(3). Any first class airport or second class airport as specified by Article 2 paragraph 1 (Definition of Airport) of the Airport Maintenance Law (Law No. 80, 1956), which is a specified aerodrome in which a first class area is designated in reference to the area around said airport, shall, in the case where the prevention of recurrence of disturbance from aircraft noise and the expedious maintenance of the area for the improvement of the living environment may be recognized to be necessary due to said first class area having become a municipality, be designated as an airport for environmental improvement by Cabinet Order.


2. The governors of Hokkaido, the City of Tokyo, and of all other districts controlling the first class area under their jurisdiction in reference to said airports for environmental improvement shall, when the designation has been made under the preceding paragraph, obtain approval form the Minister of Transport after furnishing a plan for improvement around the airport in relation to the following matters, with the exception that it is not necessary to obtain the approval of the Minister of Transport in a case where the provider of said environmental improvement airport is the Minister of Transport:
(1)Matters relating to the acquisition of any land existing in the first class area for conducting maintenance as specified in a) and b) of subparagraph 3 below;
(2)Matters relating to any measures to promote the acquisition and development of land for the use of any person removing his dwelling from the first class area, and also relating to the enactment of the matter listed in the preceding subparagraph;
(3)Matters relating to the maintenance, as specified below, of land acquired through the enactment of matters enumerated in subparagraph (1) and other land existing in the first class area which is in the possession of the provider of an airport for environmental improvement, local public body or the Organization for Environmental Improvement Around the Airport, as may be specified by the provisions of the following chapter:
a)Maintenance of the green belt, and other maintenance for the development of a green belt;
b)Other maintenance related to the use of facilities, so that their function may not easily be damaged by aircraft noise.
(4)Matters relating to the management or disposal of any land maintained through the enactment of the provisions of the preceding subparagraph;
(5)Matters relating to the body of matters for enactment as listed in each of the preceding subparagraphs.


3. In the case of the preceding paragraph, when there is more than one governor in the total urban and rural prefecture governing the first class area of





